Well! Ladies and gentlemen, it's been a long and arduous ordeal...
To briefly recount the unbelievable events of the past few months, let me begin with my arrival back in the beautiful land of Middle Earth.
I made it back, just one day behind schedule due to weather, signed a 6-month lease after about a week of staying with kind, generous friends, survived a psychotic first flatmate, fled house with the verbal approval of my property manager (bad idea on the verbal o.k. on my end), psychotic flatmate then fled the country, was in danger of flat abandonment thanks to that, paid rent in two different places for over 2 months, several extra thousand dollars later....was secured with two lovely, caring friends living in a cheaper flat in Aro Valley, and about 3 months and a whole trimester later, finally had my student visa approved after shelling out over a thousand dollars for extra reports and forms than I thought would be necessary. Still managed to land a part-time job waitressing, enroll for summer school (Latin, yay!), and perform in a non-profit Weta Workshop show (Project Born). Upon reflection, I realize that beating myself up for my current financial hardship is a rather silly thing to be doing, but alas- we can't always help ourselves.
After some inevitable panic and self-hate for not being able to just fucking go to school, work, go on a well-deserved holiday for Christmas, and not have money problems, I decided it was time for some more intensive scholarship searches, blogging, networking, and money-begging. Y'know...because that novel I'm working on won't quite be making a billion doll hairs in the next couple of weeks.
Mind you, not all things are bad at the moment! I've had some wonderful, brilliant opportunities and experiences in this short space of time that I've been back, met fantastic humans, gained precious friendships, re-enrolled at the university I know that I belong at, endured, conquered, and am on the road to bettering myself. I may just need some extra help along the way as usual. If you're still reading these, sharing, or contributing in any way, I thank you SO much.
As a thank-you for being so helpful and caring, I give you an example of how my modeling experience is expanding:
You're welcome. ;) Now sign up here for charitable donations!
xoxo, The Destitute Doll x
The Destitute Doll
Would you like to help an honest dame make it back to the beautiful land of New Zealand and finish her double B.A. in Classical Studies & Theatre? You came to the right place! In exchange for the goodwill of anyone who shares or contributes to my blog/college fund, I will do my best to serve up witty notes, pictures, updates on my financial status, and other fun insights until at last I'm a college graduate!
Monday, November 19, 2012
Friday, June 22, 2012
Hey Guys & Dolls!
Can you believe I'm off in less than a week? Granted, financially still a bit under-prepared, but I've got enough to get by and genius my way around till I'm bestowed with other means (Yes, I definitely just now used 'genius' as an action verb... on purpose).
In the last couple of months, I've unfortunately been on the receiving end of manipulation and attempts at "support" with games and ulterior motives in mind, others being hurtful and demonstrating the less desirable qualities of humanity, but on the opposite end of the spectrum, I've also been completely overwhelmed by a few pure, selfless acts of love by some wonderful, caring, altruistic people in my life. To everyone who's given so generously, who's loved me, stood by me, and encouraged me these last couple of YEARS, thank you SO much. I wouldn't be leaving at this time if I hadn't been surrounded by such brilliant hope in the form of friends.
To check a HUGE thing off my list, because of a close friend's donation, I was able to get a working, wonderful Macbook Pro for school, which honestly looks like it'll last me for the next 8 years or so if I treat it like a lady...
I am, however in a bit of an *anxiety-attack-panic* over the whole car situation. The person who really wants to buy (and whom I'd love to sell to) might not get the loan they need, and I have 5 days left in Crescent City, and just a few in LA/Vegas. I need a miracle! If you live in any one of those areas, or in-between, and have a need for a pretty awesome (albeit used with some mileage) Impala that's in good shape, please let me know/feel free to take a closer look:
There's the money shot. ;-)
I'll know for certain on Monday, but if anyone's into this fine piece of ballin' Impala ass, please let me know ASAP! I'll also let it go at an EVEN $5000. BAM.
In other news my friend Chris and I are very excited despite the fact that we haven't quite landed an apartment/flat, I'm enrolled for all my classes online FINALLY, and I'm still looking out for any grants/scholarships/help that comes my way.
That's all for now, and may the force be with you, world companions.
XOXO, the impoverished, yet totally charming:
Can you believe I'm off in less than a week? Granted, financially still a bit under-prepared, but I've got enough to get by and genius my way around till I'm bestowed with other means (Yes, I definitely just now used 'genius' as an action verb... on purpose).
In the last couple of months, I've unfortunately been on the receiving end of manipulation and attempts at "support" with games and ulterior motives in mind, others being hurtful and demonstrating the less desirable qualities of humanity, but on the opposite end of the spectrum, I've also been completely overwhelmed by a few pure, selfless acts of love by some wonderful, caring, altruistic people in my life. To everyone who's given so generously, who's loved me, stood by me, and encouraged me these last couple of YEARS, thank you SO much. I wouldn't be leaving at this time if I hadn't been surrounded by such brilliant hope in the form of friends.
To check a HUGE thing off my list, because of a close friend's donation, I was able to get a working, wonderful Macbook Pro for school, which honestly looks like it'll last me for the next 8 years or so if I treat it like a lady...
I am, however in a bit of an *anxiety-attack-panic* over the whole car situation. The person who really wants to buy (and whom I'd love to sell to) might not get the loan they need, and I have 5 days left in Crescent City, and just a few in LA/Vegas. I need a miracle! If you live in any one of those areas, or in-between, and have a need for a pretty awesome (albeit used with some mileage) Impala that's in good shape, please let me know/feel free to take a closer look:
There's the money shot. ;-)
I'll know for certain on Monday, but if anyone's into this fine piece of ballin' Impala ass, please let me know ASAP! I'll also let it go at an EVEN $5000. BAM.
In other news my friend Chris and I are very excited despite the fact that we haven't quite landed an apartment/flat, I'm enrolled for all my classes online FINALLY, and I'm still looking out for any grants/scholarships/help that comes my way.
That's all for now, and may the force be with you, world companions.
XOXO, the impoverished, yet totally charming:
Monday, April 16, 2012
The Ugly Stats
Hokay my attentive, hopefully hard-working, decent people of earth and possibly other realms, it's time for my THIRD post. ZOMG!
Only because I have so much faith in your tough, hardened spirits and strong stomachs, I know you too have the will to bear the terrible knowledge of where I actually stand in the scheme of things- the technicalities, the numbers, the time left, and what I've just gotta do before July even comes close.
For those of you who were wondering about my acceptance and academic plans, when I'm legitimately starting again, ect... wonder and ponder no longer (well, do both if you please, but on a different topic). Here's a lovely little screen shot of my offer of study:
As you can see, the major listed only says Classical Studies, but when I enroll it will be for the double (classical AND theatre). That's right, folks. I fought kicking and screaming to never again take up another theatre course, or even walk into an auditorium again unless it was entirely for the purpose of being a critical asshole from the balcony, let alone get a degree in the subject, but it seems the fates are against me...as usual. Victoria was cunning enough to entice me with a two-for-one deal in the Bachelor's sale. And you know what? I still really need those writing and directing courses. Just because I'm disinclined to perform doesn't mean I can't be a socially reclusive playwright who draws from classical themes, right?
See that tiny detail on the bottom there? the dollar amount? Yeah, that's the tuition (approximate) I need for the first year in NZD. I converted it for you darling yanks right here:
Keep in mind that's just tuition. I still have living/travel/whatever costs to magically summon by my term beginning that anxiety-piling week in July. Hooray.
Think that's all? Guess again.
Now for the pretty picture of my loans to manage, and how the wonderful team at Sallie Mae makes that so effortlessly possible (no sarcasm at all....no).
I have 2 existing loans, a federal and a private, both through Sallie Mae, the amazing, kind company that doesn't charge way too much for interest every month. Here's loan # 1:
Sexy, right? Nothing's a bigger stress-reliever than owing a private lender & the U.S. government lots and lots of moolah in student loan debt. I recommend it to anyone else with chronic anxiety. It's...amazing.
Is anyone else hot in here? 'Cause I'm a bit flushed.
In addition to all that silly nonsense, I've got to buy my plane ticket yet (LAX to Wellington on either the 1, 2, 3, or 4th of July), pay for my student visa, and acquire a macbook pro for my continued educational, networking, and career endeavors, for as you may have heard....my old mac may bite the dust relatively soon (any moment), and I definitely don't want to take the chance of that happening mid-semester or mid-paper come August or September. Demanding, I know, but what are you gonna do?
If you've read this far and haven't fallen asleep or gotten distracted by netflix, I feel like you deserve either a gold star or a cookie.
Since I have neither of these things to hand out, I'll leave you with a picture of what I'll be doing from the balcony of every theatre that's not hosting my plays from now on:
Only because I have so much faith in your tough, hardened spirits and strong stomachs, I know you too have the will to bear the terrible knowledge of where I actually stand in the scheme of things- the technicalities, the numbers, the time left, and what I've just gotta do before July even comes close.
For those of you who were wondering about my acceptance and academic plans, when I'm legitimately starting again, ect... wonder and ponder no longer (well, do both if you please, but on a different topic). Here's a lovely little screen shot of my offer of study:
As you can see, the major listed only says Classical Studies, but when I enroll it will be for the double (classical AND theatre). That's right, folks. I fought kicking and screaming to never again take up another theatre course, or even walk into an auditorium again unless it was entirely for the purpose of being a critical asshole from the balcony, let alone get a degree in the subject, but it seems the fates are against me...as usual. Victoria was cunning enough to entice me with a two-for-one deal in the Bachelor's sale. And you know what? I still really need those writing and directing courses. Just because I'm disinclined to perform doesn't mean I can't be a socially reclusive playwright who draws from classical themes, right?
See that tiny detail on the bottom there? the dollar amount? Yeah, that's the tuition (approximate) I need for the first year in NZD. I converted it for you darling yanks right here:
Think that's all? Guess again.
Now for the pretty picture of my loans to manage, and how the wonderful team at Sallie Mae makes that so effortlessly possible (no sarcasm at all....no).
I have 2 existing loans, a federal and a private, both through Sallie Mae, the amazing, kind company that doesn't charge way too much for interest every month. Here's loan # 1:
Sexy, right? Nothing's a bigger stress-reliever than owing a private lender & the U.S. government lots and lots of moolah in student loan debt. I recommend it to anyone else with chronic anxiety. It's...amazing.
Is anyone else hot in here? 'Cause I'm a bit flushed.
In addition to all that silly nonsense, I've got to buy my plane ticket yet (LAX to Wellington on either the 1, 2, 3, or 4th of July), pay for my student visa, and acquire a macbook pro for my continued educational, networking, and career endeavors, for as you may have heard....my old mac may bite the dust relatively soon (any moment), and I definitely don't want to take the chance of that happening mid-semester or mid-paper come August or September. Demanding, I know, but what are you gonna do?
If you've read this far and haven't fallen asleep or gotten distracted by netflix, I feel like you deserve either a gold star or a cookie.
Since I have neither of these things to hand out, I'll leave you with a picture of what I'll be doing from the balcony of every theatre that's not hosting my plays from now on:
![]() |
"Your cliched methods of presenting Shakespeare are so overdone, we can smell them burning from here." |
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
A Hard Day's Night
Hello Traveler,
To briefly explain the purpose of this entire blog, let me begin with an introduction:
My name is Amanda (hi, again). I'm your typical, 24-year-old, struggling, part-way done, on hiatus, disillusioned-by-the-"American Dream", $23,000-in-debt college student HELL-BENT on getting back to the education of my dreams at Victoria University of Wellington (NZ) where I was just over two years ago...
Long story slightly shortened:
For some time I had heard wild tales of crazy broads using websites and facebook pages as fund-raising sites for their vanity surgeries and breast implants...and SUCCEEDING! I thought- if a person could do that, surely someone could create a university fund-raising page of sorts! Surely that person could be me! So, after years of panic, pain, and halted progress over college loans and tuition fees, living costs and collecting interest, I'm opening myself up to the world for help, and whether you be wealthy and generous, or poor yet kind-hearted & only a dollar or two to shuffle my way, I love and thank you for your gift! Some friends of mine may see this blog and just pass it on to friends of theirs, and that's great too! Hopefully with whatever fafsa sends my way, what I find independently, and with any miracles that can come of this, my educational goals can finally be realized.
I'll have a link to a paypal account very soon, so please be sure to pass my link around and share my wish with your friends. All things considered, this is basically my own private scholarship fund, open for charitable donations!
Ever grateful and graciously yours,
The Destitute Doll
To briefly explain the purpose of this entire blog, let me begin with an introduction:
My name is Amanda (hi, again). I'm your typical, 24-year-old, struggling, part-way done, on hiatus, disillusioned-by-the-"American Dream", $23,000-in-debt college student HELL-BENT on getting back to the education of my dreams at Victoria University of Wellington (NZ) where I was just over two years ago...
Long story slightly shortened:
For some time I had heard wild tales of crazy broads using websites and facebook pages as fund-raising sites for their vanity surgeries and breast implants...and SUCCEEDING! I thought- if a person could do that, surely someone could create a university fund-raising page of sorts! Surely that person could be me! So, after years of panic, pain, and halted progress over college loans and tuition fees, living costs and collecting interest, I'm opening myself up to the world for help, and whether you be wealthy and generous, or poor yet kind-hearted & only a dollar or two to shuffle my way, I love and thank you for your gift! Some friends of mine may see this blog and just pass it on to friends of theirs, and that's great too! Hopefully with whatever fafsa sends my way, what I find independently, and with any miracles that can come of this, my educational goals can finally be realized.
I'll have a link to a paypal account very soon, so please be sure to pass my link around and share my wish with your friends. All things considered, this is basically my own private scholarship fund, open for charitable donations!
Ever grateful and graciously yours,
The Destitute Doll
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Wealthy benefactors, welcome!
In desperate need of money to return to college in New Zealand, I decided to create a blog where I can share witticisms, pictures, and other entertaining, thinly-disguised attempts to beg for money!
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