Would you like to help an honest dame make it back to the beautiful land of New Zealand and finish her double B.A. in Classical Studies & Theatre? You came to the right place! In exchange for the goodwill of anyone who shares or contributes to my blog/college fund, I will do my best to serve up witty notes, pictures, updates on my financial status, and other fun insights until at last I'm a college graduate!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Hey Guys & Dolls!

Can you believe I'm off in less than a week? Granted, financially still a bit under-prepared, but I've got enough to get by and genius my way around till I'm bestowed with other means (Yes, I definitely just now used 'genius' as an action verb... on purpose). 

In the last couple of months, I've unfortunately been on the receiving end of manipulation and attempts at "support" with games and ulterior motives in mind, others being hurtful and demonstrating the less desirable qualities of humanity,  but on the opposite end of the spectrum, I've also been completely overwhelmed by a few pure, selfless acts of love by some wonderful, caring, altruistic people in my life. To everyone who's given so generously, who's loved me, stood by me, and encouraged me these last couple of YEARS, thank you SO much. I wouldn't be leaving at this time if I hadn't been surrounded by such brilliant hope in the form of friends.

To check a HUGE thing off my list, because of a close friend's donation, I was able to get a working, wonderful Macbook Pro for school, which honestly looks like it'll last me for the next 8 years or so if I treat it like a lady...

I am, however in a bit of an *anxiety-attack-panic* over the whole car situation. The person who really wants to buy (and whom I'd love to sell to) might not get the loan they need, and I have 5 days left in Crescent City, and just a few in LA/Vegas. I need a miracle! If you live in any one of those areas, or in-between, and have a need for a pretty awesome (albeit used with some mileage) Impala that's in good shape, please let me know/feel free to take a closer look:


There's the money shot. ;-)

I'll know for certain on Monday, but if anyone's into this fine piece of ballin' Impala ass, please let me know ASAP! I'll also let it go at an EVEN $5000. BAM.

In other news my friend Chris and I are very excited despite the fact that we haven't quite landed an apartment/flat, I'm enrolled for all my classes online FINALLY, and I'm still looking out for any grants/scholarships/help that comes my way.

That's all for now, and may the force be with you, world companions.

XOXO, the impoverished, yet totally charming: